
I could not leave these out :) - EXPERT ADVICE - SUCCESS STORY

Last ones?

Thank you for these warm words!

"After reading your stuff on the site it seems you know what's going on. You seem to have the 'mind' for understanding life"

Neo Edo

"Francisco, Thank you so much! What you are saying makes
so much sense. Everything you say seems right on target. I can't believe what a great source you have been in just one email!!! THANK YOU!"


"Thanks for replying. I'm truly in awe with what you
wrote. Great info. I wouldn't have thought of anything you said. Anyways, I'll put your suggestions to use and email you again with an update on how things are flowing in this adventure of mine, heh. Thank you SO much. Please keep in touch"


"I want to thank you for you quick response and you advice. Thank you putting me up and keeping spirit in me. I will fight for my inner happiness and I will overcome this challenge, even if it needs some time. Thank you very
much for helping me."

MW - Australia

"Thanks for the very fast reply, that's great. Thank you very much!"

RGR - Brazil

"Thank you, it's nice to hear those things out of someone's mouth instead of just in my own head"

"Please listen to vital coaching... This guy sums it up in 10 sentences or less usually-and his advice is true"


"Hello, Francisco. You've been helping since your first
message. If I come to think about anything new you'll be the first to know, thank you very much! Great job!"

"Thanks for your comments. You sure know what you are talking about"


"Thanks a lot for your positive reply, I appreciate it."

Chris - Malta

"Thank you very much for you help! You are so great!"


"Thank you, vitalcoach. What you say makes a lot of sense. I want to move from "victim" to "heroine" in my own life and I see now that action IS vital to becoming that person. Thanks
for your wisdom. Wish me luck!"


"Thank you so much! I can't believe how helpful you have
been. I feel so fortunate to have come across your website. Thank you."

Ana - Australia

"I have been going through the forums for sometime, I felt that you really care for people and have a heart to feel the same way they do"


"Thanks again vitalcoach, your advice is really helpful. You really are a good coach."


"Thank you very much for your prompt response, honestly I didn't expect such a quick reply. I would say that you really have a very wonderful job helping people in distress. Once again thank you very much!"

"Thank you for your advice! You confirmed what I was thinking... Glad I stumbled upon your website, I'll recommend it"

Konrad - South Africa

"Thank you so much for your very personal response :-)"

Ashleigh - South Africa

"Thanks so much for your response. It totally makes sense and it's great getting a male point of view."


"Thank you for your help"

Sam - UK

"Francisco, you are such a star, thanks so much... I will keep you posted :-)"


"I wanted to thank you for your time and advice. Thanks for all your help!"

Jocelyn - US

"Wow. Your words for me were wonderful. I mean, you nailed the whole year relationship I'm having with him in just one
e-mail! Thanks so much! your e-mail helped more than you know!"

Tanya - US

"Well, that sounds like some pretty solid advice. Do you have anymore for me?"

Max - US

"Thanks for your response!"

Marie - US

"Thank you very much for the reply, it was very nice of you. All my questions were answered. Of course the most inspiring
part of it was: "staying the master of what belongs to me""

S - India

"Francisco, you're exactly right. You're a smart person, thank you for confirming my feelings"

Garrett - US

"Thank you for your response"

Sue - US

"Thank you for your counsel, Francisco; you are very helpful. Thank you for your kindness and for extending your free

Rachel - US

"Just want you to know how much I appreciate your help"

Kelly - US

"Hi Francisco, you are a legend. Your e-mail I must say made
me feel good. You are right. Faith, Trust these are pillars on which this universe stands. Thanks a million, Cheers"

Sudarshan - India

"I've enjoyed reading your fresh and honest perspective... I
thank you! I love fresh perspectives!"

Deb - Us

"Thanks for your valued feedback. I suppose you are right. Thanks for reinforcing what I already knew."

Tammy - US

"Thanks again for the help"

Jennifer - US

"Thanks Vitalcoach!"

Ginger - US

"Hi Vitalcoach, Yeah what you have said makes sense. It helps getting someone else's view on the situation so thanks for
your reply."


"Thank u for your advice and I will keep in touch as much as

"Thank you once again, I felt more confident after reading your reply"

"Thanks very much Vital Coach. Inspiring stuff... I'm feeling a lot better now, and realizing that my doubts were just silly. Thanks again for your excellent advice. It's really

"I would read, and re-read, and re-read again Vital's advice on this one, because it's right on!"

"Thank you so much for answering my question it really


"I very much appreciate your response and look forward to checking out the new e-book"


"Thank you for your help"


"Hi Francisco, your tips rubbed off, the guy asked me out. I
just want to thank you for wonderful advice. Cheers"


"Thanks for the advice!"


"Thanks for your prompt reply and looking forward to more
interesting exchanges in the future..."


"Just wanted to say thank you to your excellent advice. Please keep sending it to me. Don't forget me! Later"


"Dear Francesco, thank you very much for your advice. You are completely right. It helped me a lot"


"Sir thank you so much for your response!"

Bishop - Germany

"Thanx for the advice"

Gavin - Wales

"Hey Francisco, I am just writing you back to say thanks for
the input and just in case I have any other questions, be counting on me to ask"


"Dear Francisco, your consultations are the best. I put to use everything we discussed. Thanks for your valuable advice. Talk to you later this week"

Kristina - US

"Hi, Read some of your responses, good job you are doing up there"


"Hi Vitalcoach! You give some interesting advice here"

Zelma - UK

"Hi Vital Thanks for your input!"

Niki - UK

"Thanx for the coaching lol and encouragement.. I will try your approach if the timing is right. Thanks again!"


"Thanks coach!"

"Thanks for your advice much appreciated - It's good to get
some direct & honest feedback - Speak to you soon"

Liz - UK

"Thanks for that!"

Lilly - UK

"Thanks so much Francisco"

Corey - US

About Shiva Rajaya

You are the master of your life! Your destiny is in your hands! You have the power to create! Want my help with unleashing your full manifesting power and optimizing your life? I will help you tune into your highest frequency and give you tools to access your untapped potentials - Start here START HERE! GET YOUR POWER KICK SKYPE COACHING SESSION WITH ME!