
I keep trying your methods Francisco, you do a great job my man!

"Hi Francisco,

Well, i learnt allot from your teachings so thanks for that, i can communicate much better with other women and i do feel power in those situations, unfortunately i work on the same floor with my ex and i still feel the connection (from my side) very strong. she has moved on (i feel she has a new boyfriend) and in the process totally cut me off. I still think she is angry as i had doubts about her (which i now see as a weakness in my spirit) in the beginning which forced her to break the relationship because she loved me. It so difficult when i see her every day. I want her to be happy with or without me and talk to her because i care about all people but she just wants me to fail.

Anyway i keep trying your methods Francisco, you do a great job my man!

Take care"


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